Jakarta, Arina -- Direktur Layanan Haji dalam Negeri Kemenag Saiful Mujab memastikan pengurusan slot time penerbangan jemaah haji menjadi kewajiban maskapai.
Proses tata kelolanya, tegas Saiful, dilakukan oleh tiap-tiap maskapai dengan otoritas penerbangan di Arab Saudi.
Hal itu dikatakan Saiful Mujab menanggapi adanya isu bahwa penyelenggaraan ibadah haji tahun ini diwarnai pengalihan slot time penerbangan untuk 46 kelompok terbang (kloter) jemaah Indonesia pada gelombang 1 pemulangan.
Sebanyak lebih kurang 18.000 jemaah yang berangkat pada gelombang pertama (mendarat di Madinah), semestinya pulang melalui Jeddah. Namun, karena maskapai gagal mendapatkan slot time di Bandara Jeddah, jemaah harus pulang melalui Madinah.
"Salah kalau dikatakan Kemenag yang urus slottime. Otoritas yang memberikan slot time penerbangan adalah otoritas penerbangan Saudi atau GACA. Kewenangan yang mengajukan slot time adalah Airlines, baik Garuda Indonesia maupun Saudia Airlines," tegas Saiful Mujab di Jakarta, Minggu (14/7/2024).
"Jadi kalau ada slot time yang tidak bisa diperoleh, itu ya kegagalan maskapai penerbangan," sambungnya.
Dikatakan Saiful Mujab, Kemenag tidak memiliki wewenang untuk mengajukan slot time. Karenanya, urusan slot time masuk dalam item kontrak berdasakan skema pemberangkatan yang harus dipenuhi maskapai.
Kemenag, lanjut Saiful Mujab, memang pernah rapat dengan GACA untuk membahas pengajuan slot time. Namun, GACA meminta Airlines yang mengajukan slot time sesuai kebutuhan Kemenag.
"Saat pengajuan harus detail, mulai jam penerbangan, nomor penerbangan, dan nomor pesawat. Kita sudah menyerahkan jadwal penerbangan jemaah sejak awal Januari 2024 dengan tujuan agar maskapai segera mengajukan slot time ke pihak GACA. Tapi entah kenapa, Garuda tidak segera koordinasi dengan GACA. Sedangkan Saudia Airlines bergegas mengajukan sehingga mendapat slot time, sementara Garuda lambat pengajuannya," papar Saiful Mujab.
"Saudia bisa memenuhi jadwal sesuai keinginan Kemenag karena lebih awal mengajukan ke GACA, sementara Garuda terlambat mengajukan slot time karena terlambat dalam pengadaan pesawat, " sambungnya.
"Karena slot time ini berebut dengan Airlines dari semua negara pengirim jemaah haji, maka Garuda tidak kebagian slot time yang dibutuhkan untuk membawa jemaah haji sesuai kontrak penerbangan," tandas Saiful Mujab.
What is Time Slot Booking or Time Slotting? Time Slot Booking (also shortened as Time Slotting) is the service to provide customers possible time slots to book via Internet. Thanks to internet and e-commerce, this service has become a crucial element in improving user experience for service providers and e-tailers (for home delivery or pickup point). Additional aspects are to have different prices per time slot, e.g., depending on expected forecast (called dynamic pricing) and the flexibility to change the delivery address, e.g. from home to pick-up point or vice versa. Why use Time Slot Booking? Home delivery, as well as the combination with pick-up point or store (for returns) is growing rapidly for various sectors, like food and non-food goods, for which time slot booking with dynamic pricing as a service is a must. But also for all kind of services, like installations, inspections, maintenance jobs the booking of time slots and follow-up during execution is a necessity. How to use Time Slot Booking? Time slot booking is executed by asking an optimizer engine to return extremely fast which time slots are available, and the associated cost or prices, based on the actual and forecasted bookings. For this the engine calculates the actual or expected work load over the day, and/or per region.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Time it takes to send a designated amount of data from one network host to another
Slot time is a concept in computer networking. It is at least twice the time it takes for an electronic pulse (OSI Layer 1 - Physical) to travel the length of the maximum theoretical distance between two nodes. In CSMA/CD networks such as Ethernet, the slot time is an upper limit on the acquisition of the medium, a limit on the length of a packet fragment generated by a collision, and the scheduling quantum for retransmission.[1]
Since a pulse's runtime will never exceed slot time (the maximum theoretical time for a frame to travel a network), the network interface controller, or NIC waits a minimum of slot time before retransmitting after a collision happened, in order to allow any pulse that was initiated at the time that the waiting NIC was requested to send, to reach all other nodes. By allowing the pulse to reach the waiting NIC, a local collision occurs (i.e. while still sending) rather than a late collision occurring (after sending may or may not have ended). By having the collision occur at the NIC (local) and not on the wire (late) CSMA/CD implementation recover the situation by retransmitting later.
Some times for Ethernet slot time include:[2]
See DIFS for information on 802.11x slot times.
Designing Mobile Interfaces for Remote Team Meeting Coordination
The system determines the required loading time based on the specifics and transport data of the shipment and available resources at the warehouse. Alternate time-slot length availability and booking is also possible. All information is available centrally, including vehicle and driver information, or health and safety lists for every party involved in the process, shipper as well as carrier, LSP or goods reciepient.